Bahn Brenner Fuel Delivery --Fuel Rail - parts acquisition Part 1

In retrospect, I had a lot of forward momentum during the summer of 2012. It is unfortunate that they didn't turn out when planned. I was so discouraged that I didn't pay much attention to Project Corrado in 2013. I turned my attention to some other automobiles in my garage. But in the end, I disassembled to engine and did some close inspection to derive some plan on bringing back the Endless Corrado project. One of the tasks I did prior to the first drive was refurbished the aging fuel delivery and vacuum system. So I'll detail some of what I did.

One of the critical areas that needed complete refurbishment was the fuel delivery area. I will outline the Fuel Rail reconstruction as well as gaining control of the vacuum leaks which plague every project of this type.

The entire fuel delivery will be built around the Bahn Brennar Billet Aluminum Fuel Rail. This beautiful piece of hardware replaces the plastic high pressure fuel rail that is original equipment. To do this will require some fabrication to account for the various inlets and outlets that are on the plastic molded original fuel rail.

The BBM Fuel rail is a simple piece of aluminum with outlets for the injectors. The center piece is a long hollow rod that is universal in regards to the VW four cylinder motor. It is at the ends where they differ. The G60 version comes with a Fuel Pressure Regulator mount on one end and a threaded nipple which feeds the high pressure fuel return.

How this works is that on the passenger side of the Corrado is the Fuel Pressure regulator. It is fitted to the return fuel line which goes back to the fuel tank. Also on the passenger side is the incoming fuel inlet but the BBM rail makes no accommodation for it- we will therefore have to fabricate one. On the opposite side (Drivers side) is a small nipple which is the high pressure recirculation. An AN fitting is supplied but its 45 degree angle only positions it to obstruct the intake hose that leads to the throttle body. So we won't be using it. 

BBM machines their logo into the part which makes for a very tidy installation. Unfortunately where this rail will be positioned in the engine bay is where no one can see it. 

The mounting tabs on the Fuel Rail match closely the original rails and we will reuse the fastener hardware from the original. 
This new item is exactly the same dimensions and a direct replacement for the OEM plastic original. BBM makes a really good product and no fuss trying to make this fit into place.

Some of the items to consider and highly recommended to replace at the same time include injectors, injector seats, fuel hose, and associated Vacuum hoses.

With this piece out of the car, it would also make sense to closely examine the fuel injector wiring harness.

More to come


akosvp said…
Do you still have your Corrado? :)
Yes, But haven't made much progress of late. It's sitting quietly in the garage under a cover. Engine is currently out. My brother and I started building up a PG motor but he ended up using it in his G60 project. So I need to purchase new pistons (82.5mm) and have the block bored. Cylinders have a small ridge caused by the rings. Thinking about also installing ARP main bolts, align boring the block, and new forged rods too since its not that much more expensive. Unfortunately work, home improvements, and my Audi daily driver seem to soak up time and funds before I get to the Corrado project.