About 15 years ago, I experienced the dreaded broken sunroof.
The sliders inside the track had fractured. All of the parts in this extremely complex track are cast aluminum. So they eventually crumble, crack, and disintegrate.
I bought brand new sliders (Likely the last two on Planet Earth) and set about to restore the function of my sunroof. I also took a spare sunroof from a 92 B3 Passat and I mixed the best of both sets to make one functional sunroof. The operation was successful. So onward to the next project. I stored that spare sunroof track in the dark recesses of my garage.
Fast Forward 15 years and my corrado has been sitting inside the garage for various reasons. I knew I was going to park it for awhile so I decided to tilt the sunroof open to allow for air flow ventilation while it sat idle in my garage. I then disconnected the battery and did other projects.
I knew my cats liked to frequent the rafters above my garage. And I did not think anything of it. They contained any rodents which might try to make their home in my garage. And I did not mind the company when I was in the garage tinkering.
However, at the end of 2020, I decided to sell my house and was then motivated to get my car on to the next house. I gave away most of my Audi and VW MKII GTi because I hadn't worked on them in over a decade. Everything else I threw into a dumpster. (Including that spare B3 Passat Sunroof Track) which had been sitting behind a cabinet in a card board box which had long disintegrated into shredded paper.
Two days after that dumpster was taken away, I noticed that my repaired sunroof was not attached very well. Upon closer investigation, I discovered that my sunroof had broken off of the tracks. (If I were to guess, one of my cats had used it as a landing pad while jumping from the rafters above the garage)
To my utter disappointment, I realized that spare sunroof track that I had just discarded had spare parts that I now desperately needed. (Kicking myself) I've been searching online for anyone parting out a Corrado or a Passat. I've even called all of my usual salvage yards. Everyone tells me it has been years since they've seen any of these parts. I just may be out of luck.
Every discussion in Corrado/Passat forums are very old. Everywhere I search, I encounter the dreaded "Discontinued" or "No Longer Available". One thread indicated that Impex had the parts. Alas, that post was over 10 years old and when I navigate to the Impex website, I discover they are no longer in business.
At this point, I may have to find a way to permanently fasten the sun roof panel to the track and make it inoperable. Then position it so that it is water tight in anticipation of driving in the rain.
Or if by chance I encounter someone who is parting out another Corrado, I just may be able to salvage some parts. But I am not hopeful.
Found this piece floating around lovely inside my headliner.
I did pick up a spare sunroof disassembled in Arizona. I've yet to clean it thoroughly and take inventory of all of the parts and if I need to acquire more parts.
There is a complete sunroof assembly in nearby Riverside.
If needed, I will get that one. But it will have to wait until after the winter months.